
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Anetta Wieczorek” ,找到相关结果约272条。
The distribution of Elatine hexandra (Lapierre) DC. (Elatinaceae)
Agnieszka Popiela,Andrzej ?ysko,Anetta Wieczorek,Dorota Nalepka
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae , 2011, DOI: 10.5586/asbp.2011.004
Abstract: General distribution map of Elatine hexandra (Lapierre) DC. was made based on literature and web-based data confronted and possible reasons of the formation of taxon's distribution range and history are discussed.
The distibution of Elatine hydropiper L. (Elatinaceae)
Agnieszka A. Popiela,Andrzej R. ?ysko,Anetta Wieczorek,Attila V. Molnár
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae , 2012, DOI: 10.5586/asbp.2012.009
Abstract: A distribution map of Elatine hydropiper L. (Elatinaceae), which belongs to the Euro-Siberian phytogeographic element, has been prepared based on literature and web-based data. The distribution range of the taxon, comparison to previous maps and reliability of the results are discussed.
Seed morphometric characteristics of European species of Elatine (Elatinaceae)
Agnieszka Popiela,Andrzej ?ysko,Anetta Wieczorek,Attila Molnár V.,Bo?enna Bia?ecka,Gábor Sramkó,Magdalena Marta Bihun,Waldemar Staroń
- , 2017, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3399
Abstract: Elatine L. contains ca. 25 small, herbaceous, annual species distributed in ephemeral waters in both hemispheres. All species are amphibious and characterized by a high degree of morphological variability. The importance of seed morphology in Elatine taxonomy has been emphasized by many authors. The degree of seed curvature and seed coat reticulation have been traditionally considered very important in recognizing individual species of this genus. Seed morphometric characteristics of 10 Elatine species, including all European native taxa, are provided on the basis of material from two or three populations of each species. A total of 24–50 seeds were studied from each population, altogether 1,260 images were used for the morphometric study. In total, six parameters were measured from SEM pictures: object surface area, profile specific perimeter (object circuit), rectangle of the object (a) length, rectangle of the object (b) width, angle of the seed curvature, and number of pits in the seed coat counted in the middle row. Our study shows that the range of morphological variation of seeds in European species of Elatine is great, both between the species and the populations. Discrimination analysis showed that all six traits significantly differentiate the populations studied (λ = 0.001, p < 0.001), and the greatest contributions were “number of pits”, “rectangle_a”, and “the angle curvature”. Multidimensional scaling based on a correlation matrix of Mahalanobis distance of the six features studied revealed the greatest similarity between the three populations of E. alsinastrum, E. macropoda, and E. hexandra. Regarding interspecific differences, a Kruskal–Wallis tests showed that, in many cases, lack of statistically significant differences between species relative to the studied seed traits. If distinction of species is only based on seeds, especially if only a few seeds are evaluated, the following species pairs can be easily confused: E. alsinastrum and E. orthosperma, E. hexandra and E. macropoda, E. campylosperma and E. hydropiper, as well and E. gussonei and E. hungarica. We found no diversity in seed coat micromorphology within pits that could have potential taxonomic importance. An identification key and descriptions of species are provided on the basis of seeds traits
Przeciwzapalne i przeciwzakrzepowe dzia ania fibratów
Anetta Undas
Polish Journal of Cardiology , 2007,
Abstract: Poza efektami hipolipemizuj cymi, fibraty, które s syntetycznymi agonistami j drowych receptorów aktywowanych proliferatorami peroksysomów typu alfa (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptoralpha - PPARa), wywieraj dodatkowe, potencjalnie korzystne dzia ania, takie jak: zmniejszenie odczynu zapalnego, insulinooporno ci i aktywno ci uk adu krzepni cia, nasilenie fibrynolizy, modulacja angiogenezy, os abienie stresu oksydacyjnego. Spo ród tzw. plejotropowych efektów fibratów, mog cych ogranicza rozwój mia d ycy i jej powik ań, najwi ksze znaczenie przypisuje si efektom przeciwzapalnym i przeciwzakrzepowym. Leczenie fibratami wi za o si ze zmniejszeniem o 20 do 50% st enia bia ka C-reaktyw-nego, interleukiny 6 i interleukiny 1(3. Leki tej klasy mog obni y st enie fibrynogenu w osoczu, rednio o 10%, poprzez zmniejszenie ekspresji jego genów. Przeciwkrzepliwe dzia ania fibratów, wyra one zmniejszeniem produkcji trombiny po uszkodzeniu naczynia, jest prawdopodobnie skutkiem zahamowania ekspresji czynnika tkankowego (tissue factor-lf). Ostatnio wykazano zmniejszenie aktywacji p ytek krwi u pacjentów z dys-lipidemi , u których fibrat wywo a najwi kszy spadektriglicerydów i wzrost cholesterolu HDL. Znaczenie kliniczne efektów przeciwzapalnych i prze-ciwzakrzepowych stosowania fibratów nie zosta o jeszcze ustalone.
Practical considerations on non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in patients with high body weight
Anetta Undas
- , 2016, DOI: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2016.6970
Abstract: To the Editor
Kiedy królowie buduj , rzemie lnicy maj zatrudnienie
Krzysztof Wieczorek
Annales UMCS, SECTIO I Philosophia - Sociologia , 2011, DOI: 10.2478/v10225-012-0007-4
Abstract: The main problematic aspects of the article are considerations on the crisis of the eurocentric idea. Ortega y Gasset was one of the few thinkers of his time that understood the changing geopolitical situation of the world that led to the loss of the European hegemony. As an answer he proposed United Europe, that would be not only an economic unity, but first of all a society of vital ideas, not empty cliches. Without such an ideological foundation Europe can only be a temporary and destined for the slow fading away political fact. The author of the article stresses that the basis of the revival of Europe must be a return to all that is European by nature and defines Europe as it was - the ancient Greek rationalism and the system of values connected with it. The only way to build new Europe is by support of the category of the managers as well as the workers' responsibility.
Leszek Wieczorek
Studia Humanistyczne AGH , 2012,
Improvement of vibroacoustic properties of toothed gears through constructional modifications of gear teeth
Transport Problems : an International Scientific Journal , 2009,
Abstract: The paper draws attention to methods of minimizing values of vibroacoustic factors by reducing the sources. In the case of toothed gears such causes include, first of all, deviations in workmanship, excitations generated when teeth move in and out of mesh, as well as mesh stiffness variations. The paper presents results of experimental research on vibroacoustic properties of gear wheels with modified and non-modified high-profile teeth. Basing on these results, it was determined that the best results in counteracting vibrations and noise are obtained by using jointly an increased gear contact ratio and a tooth profile modification.
Immersed spheres and finite type of Donaldson invariants
Wojciech Wieczorek
Mathematics , 1998,
Abstract: A smooth four manifold is of finite type $r$ if its Donaldson invariant satisfies D((x^2-4)^r)=0. We prove that every simply connected manifold is of finite type by using the structure of Donaldson invariants in the presence of immersed spheres. More precisely we prove that if a manifold X contains an immersed sphere with $p$ positive double points and a non-negative self-intersection $a$, then it is of finite type with r = [(2p+2-a)/4].
Punishment, deprivation of liberty and the Europeanization of criminal justice
Irene Wieczorek
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1023263X18820817

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